Sabine Christmann
Sabine Christmann
Stories from and about things
A look at the paintings of Sabine Christmann
In patient and detailed fine work, Sabine Christmann brings her protagonists, previously meticulously placed in front of her in the studio, into position on the canvas. From empty bottles, paper or plastic bags, cans and other apparent remnants of our consumerist world, she creates in her paintings detailed narratives about life.
Inconspicuous, conventional everyday objects, or rather their even less significant packaging, are removed from their actual space of meaning in her paintings and brought into new contexts of meaning.
Side by side, bags and empties line up in ever new, seemingly random constellations. On closer inspection, however, it is noticeable that the supposed coincidence grows into a well thought-out composition that assigns each individual object its own special place in the picture. Distances and overlaps are precisely calculated and result in a constantly new interplay of the individual objects.
Placed in front of a white background and a reflective background, the focus is deliberately directed to the shapes and colors, shades and lines of the individual objects and to their interaction with each other. At the same time, they are thus even more clearly removed from their actual context.
Under these new horizons of meaning and almost poetic contexts, which arise from the combination of the objects and from the artist’s concrete selection of the pictorial figures, the real everyday objects are transformed into fantasy-laden art objects.
From the artistic claim of initially wanting to represent the object in its most objective form, a new reality develops in the working process, through the subjective perception of the artist as well as through the ever-changing light conditions. Based on Sabine Christmann’s own individual experiences and impressions as well as her temporary personal moods, the objects on the canvas are transferred individually but also in their overall structure from their generality into a new, personal reality.
A development that, measured against the claim of a representation as true to reality as possible, could at first be mistakenly interpreted as a failure. In fact, however, it forms the substantive and painterly foundation of her art and is quite consciously brought to bear by her. It is not the striving for objectivity that determines Sabine Christmann’s painting, but rather the play between objective and subjective perception and the great whole that can result from individual things.
Not the original first image concept is to emerge here in perfection as a picture, it is the
Creation process of a work of art in itself, which Sabine Christmann is fascinated by and which determines the ultimate result of her works. In different working steps, the real objects on the canvas, under the influence of the respective mood and association of the artist, are modified. Particular shapes, colors or shades are emphasized or diminished to achieve a harmonious and coherent composition and through the spontaneous and individual painting process to create a new reality, which nevertheless does not lose the reference to the objective object, which everyone knows to identify.
From generally valid everyday objects of apparently little importance, individual compositions emerge, which link to small stories and messages and leave the viewer a margin, which the artist has already used for herself in the creation of the respective image. Because through the emotional state when looking at the picture and the respective, quite individual horizon of experience, the objects on the canvas can combine before the eye of the viewer to quite different moods and contents. Thus, the messages of Sabine Christmann’s paintings are subject to constant change, because depending on the viewer, the meaning of each picture also changes. In this way, the supposed still lifes attain a liveliness that suggests very different stories.
The basis for the motivic and content-related aspects in Sabine Christmann’s art is first of all the examination of painting and its fundamental stylistic and compositional possibilities.
Thus, the selection of the depicted objects is initially based no less on their aesthetic appeal. Decisive are form and color as well as the options of the resulting combinations of things. A compositional framework emerges that defines the respective starting point and yet leaves room for further development.
In addition to the individual objects themselves, lettering or illustrations in the picture also determine the interpretation of the respective image statement. Here, once again, a link to the outside world takes place, which can also be understood by each individual viewer in his or her very own reality.
It is the most diverse stories that Sabine Christmann tells in her paintings, sometimes consciously and other times quite randomly, depending on who is facing her works at the time.
born in Offenbach a.M., Germany
1980 – 81
Free Art School Stuttgart
1981 – 83
Studies at the Academy of Arts Karlsruhe with Prof. Peter Dreher
1983 – 86
Studies at the Art Academy Stuttgart with Prof. Rudolf Haegele
Lives and works in Bartenstein, Germany
vom Alltag befreit…, Sabine & Oliver Christmann, Galerie M Beck, Homburg
Glücksinsel, Galerie im Kornhaus Leutkirch im Allgäu
Der Erdenschwere entkommen, Galerie Augarde, Daun
Malerei – Kunstagentur Karin Melchior, Kassel
Galerie Cyprian Brenner, Augsburg mit Oliver Christmann
Sabine und Oliver Christmann, Kunsthaus Klüber, Weinheim
Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt
Kunstverein Kirchzarten, jeweils mit Oliver Christmann
Museum Stangeberg-Merck, Seeheim-Jugenheim
Museum Stangenberg Merck, Seeheim-Jugenheim
Galerie Gans, Wien
Galerie Robert Drees, Hannover
Galerie Andreas Henn, Stuttgart
Fragile Beauties I ART Galerie 7, Köln
Enjoy, Stiftung S BC-pro arte, Biberach
Face aux reflets, Galerie Charron, Paris
Kunstraum, Bad Waldsee
Faszination der Augenblicke von Fraunberg Art Gallery, Düsseldorf
on stage, Galerie Terminus, München
Galerie LandskronSchneidzik, Nürnberg
Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt
Art Karlsruhe, One-Artist-Show
Galerie Albert Baumgarten
Kunstverein Heidenheim, mit Oliver Chistmann
Galerie Frey, Wien
Galerie Albert Baumgarten, Freiburg
Galerie Andreas Henn, Stuttgart, pro arte Ulmer Kunststiftung
Städtische Galerie Wetzlar, jeweils mit Oliver Christmann
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Städtische Galerie Neunkirchen
jeweils mit Oliver Christmann
Galerie Andreas Henn, Stuttgart
Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Poesie des Alltags, Galerie Frey, Wien
Der Zauber des Gewöhnlichen, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Fair 21 Köln, One-Artist-Show, Galerie von Braunbehrens
Illusion of Reality, Gana Art Gallery, Busan, Südkorea
Illusion of Reality, Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, Südkorea
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show, Galerie von Braunbehrens
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Neue Arbeiten 2002-2004, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Städtische Galerie, Villa Streccius, Landau, mit Oliver Christmann
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show, Galerie von Braunbehrens
Die Welt hinter den Dingen, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Kunstverein Augsburg, mit Oliver Christmann
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show, Galerie Ulrich Gering
Galarie Andreas Henn, Stuttgart
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt, Two-Artist-Show, mit Thomas Kitzinger, Galerie Ulrich Gering
Art Frankfurt, Galerie Ulrich Gering
Galerie Waltraud Zimmermann, Breisach a.R.
Kunstverein Tauberbischofsheim
Kunsthaus Schaller, Stuttgart
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Kunstverein Ellwangen
Galerie Werner Zaiß, Aalen
Haus Hasenbergsteige 31, Stuttgart
Kunsthaus Schaller, Stuttgart
The Coke Side of Art,
Galerie Schlag & Cie, Essen
50 Jahre Galerie Koch-Westenhoff, Lübeck
Reflections, Galerie Terminus, München
Galerie Egelund, Kopenhagen
Galerie Nisters, Künstler der Galerie
40 Jahre Galerie Albert Baumgarten, Freiburg
Even better than the REAL thing, Galerie Frey, Salzburg
Dichter Bildraum konzentriert, Galerie Netuschil, Darmstadt
30 Jahre Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Shopping, Galerie der Stadt Backnang
Zur Kasse bitte, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen
St. Annen-Museum, Lübeck
Sparkasse Frankfurt/Oder
StadtLandFluss, Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
In Wirklichkeit, Kunstinitiative Badhaus, Sulz a.N.
Große Kunstausstellung, Haus der Kunst, München
Nachtbilder, Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Shiseido Art Space Gallery, Tokio
Das Wesen des Schönen,
Schloss des Regierungspräsidenten, Düsseldorf
Jahresausstellung des Württembergischen Kunstvereins, Stuttgart
Visuelle Erfahrungen, Galerie Kultur unterm Turm, Stuttgart
Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Cyprian Brenner, Schwäbisch Hall – Galerie Koch-Westenhoff, Lübeck
Art Bodensee, Galerie Cyprian Brenner, Schwäbisch Hall
YIA foire d´art Paris, Galerie Charron, Paris
Affordable Art Hamburg, Galerie Koch-Westenhoff, Lübeck
Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Albert Baumgarten, Freiburg und Galerie von Stechow, Frankfurt
Palm Beach -Modern +Contemporary, USA, Galerie Terminus, München
Art Bodensee, Galerie Charron, Paris
Fair For Art Vienna, Galerie Gans, Wien
Affordable Art, Hamburg, Galerie Koch-Westenhoff, Lübeck
Art Elysées, Paris, Galerie Charron, Paris
Art Miami, USA, Galerie Terminus, München
Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Albert Baumgarten, Freiburg und Galerie von Stechow, Frankfurt
Art Miami, USA, Galerie Terminus, München
Art Karlsruhe, One-Artist-Show, Galerie Albert Baumgarten, Freiburg
Kunst Zürich, Galerie von Stechow, Frankfurt
art fair 21, Köln
Kunst Zürich
Galerie Albert Baumgarten, Freiburg
Art Miami, USA
Kunst Zürich, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Miami, USA
Kunst Zürich
art fair 21, Köln, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Miami, USA
Kunst Zürich
art fair 21, Köln
viennafair, Wien
Munich Contempo, München
CIRCA 10, Puerto Rico
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Miami, USA
Kunst Zürich
art fair 21, Köln, One-Artist-Show
viennafair, Wien
Munich Contempo, München
Scope New York, USA
KIAF, Seoul
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Kunst Zürich
art fair 21, Köln
Art Karlsruhe
KIAF, Seoul
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Kunst Zürich
art fair 21, Köln
Art Karlsruhe
KIAF, Seoul
palm beach 3, USA
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Kunst Zürich
Art Cologne
Art Karlsruhe
KIAF, Seoul
art fair 21, Köln
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Cologne
Kunst Zürich
Art Frankfurt
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Cologne
Art Frankfurt
Art Bologna
Arco Madrid
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Cologne
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show
Arco Madrid
Galerie von Braunbehrens, München
Art Frankfurt, Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt, Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt, One-Artist-Show mit Thomas Kitzinger
Art Cologne
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt
Art Cologne
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt
Art Cologne
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Art Frankfurt, One Artist-Show, Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt a.M.
Freiburg Regional Council
BW Bank, Stuttgart
LBS Stuttgart
Mannheimer Insurances
Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH, Bremen
Hoppe-Ritter Collection, Waldenbuch
Heraeus Collection
Winkhaus Collection
Kutzenbergen & Wolff
KappAhl Collection, Sweden
Porer Collection, Switzerland
Rischart Collection, Munich
Langenscheidt Collection, Munich
Poli Film Wipperfürth
Collection Graf von Krockow
Collection Helena Ramsbacher, Vienna, A
Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim near Wels, A
Anton Dörner Collection, Heilbronn
Museum Kunstwerk, Alison and Peter W. Klein Collection
pro arte Ulm Art Foundation
Sabine Christmann,
Hrsg. Ulrich Gering,
Galerie Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt, 1997
Sabine Christmann, Die Welt hinter den Dingen,
Hrsg. Axel Zimmermann, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München, 2002
Sabine Christmann, Neue Arbeiten 2002 – 2004.
Hrsg. Axel Zimmermann, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München, 2004
Sabine Christmann, Illusion of Reality,
Hrsg. Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea, 2007
Sabine Christmann, Der Zauber des Gewöhnlichen oder warum die Tüten auf den Zehenspitzen stehen.
Hrsg. Axel Zimmermann, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München, 2009
Sabine Christmann, Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen.
Hrsg. Axel Zimmermann, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München, 2011
Sabine & Oliver Christmann, Im Dialog, Von Tag zu Tag.
Hrsg. Axel & Jeannette Zimmermann, Galerie von Braunbehrens, München, 2013